Friday, February 21, 2014

Rieder: Stop adding 'gate' to every flap

It was as inevitable as night following day.

The scandal that has engulfed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie after his aides exacted revenge on the mayor of Fort Lee by causing a hideous traffic snarl on the George Washington Bridge rapidly became known as "Bridgegate."

Hardly a surprise. Ever since a certain third-rate burglary in Washington, D.C., nearly 42 years ago, that has been the fate of every scandal, near scandal, faux scandal, flap, brouhaha, kerfuffle, hubbub and conturbation that comes along.

It gets the gate. Or, rather, the -gate.

And it's got to stop. Now.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a big First Amendment guy. But even freedom of speech has its limits. You know how it's not OK to yell "fire" in a crowded theater (especially when it's not on fire)?

This "gate" business is careening perilously close to that territory.

It's not cute. It's not cool. It's not clever.

I will give it knee-jerk. And lazy. And oh, so predictable. And really, really annoying.

But there is a more serious reason to show gate to the gate. By awarding the suffix to everything from serious government misconduct to the exposure of Janet Jackson's breast during the halftime show of Super Bowl XXXVIII (surely you remember Nipplegate), you create a false equivalency that ends up trivializing everything.

That certainly was the take of Sam Dash, who served as chief counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee all those years ago. "When people hear this proliferation of 'gates,' they feel the press is telling them this is the same as Watergate, and whatever Watergate has stood for has lost its meaning," Dash told Suzan Revah of American Journalism Review.

This was back in 1997. Dash, who died in 2004, would no doubt be horrified to find out this gate obsession shows no sign of abating all these years later.

The actual Watergate saga began back in 1972 when burglars with ties to then-president Richard Nixon's re-election committee and the White House were caught t! rying to break into Democratic National Committee headquarters. Ultimately, "Watergate" became a catchall for a wide array of serous misconduct — wiretapping, political espionage, dirty tricks, and on and on — that ultimately forced Nixon to resign in disgrace.

But the gate in Watergate wasn't a suffix to suggest that something amiss was afoot. Watergate was simply the name of the building the inept burglars were breaking into. In a brilliant sketch on the BBC in 2010, the British comedy duo Mitchell and Webb pointed out that to fit the paradigm, the literal mother of all gates should properly be called Watergategate.

Nobody did more to give momentum to the gate meme than William Safire, The New York Times op-ed columnist and language maven who, in another life, had been a speechwriter for Nixon. Safire loved adding gate to everything.

Best Financial Companies To Own For 2015

According to historians, the first post Watergate (post-Watergategate?) gate was created in jest. In 1973, the humor magazine National Lampoon (this was in a harsh, primitive time when not only was there no Twitter, there was no Onion) dubbed a fictional Russian scandal Volgagate. And we were off and running.

There's a special place in the Gate Hall of Fame for Troopergate. There have been three of them, revolving variously around Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer and Sarah Palin (now there's a trifecta).

Probably the most adorable gate is Biscuitgate, a contretemps that exploded when British Prime Minister Gordon Brown wouldn't disclose what his favorite cookie was.

And a serious contender for the silliest of all gates was Selfiegate, when President Obama took a selfie posed with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt at Nelson Mandela's funeral service, supposedly much to the consternation of First Lady Michelle Obama.

I'm under no illusion that closing this particular gate will be eas! y. After ! all, I called for the banishment of the dreaded suffix in American Journalism Review back in 2011.

So it may be that the gate, like rock 'n' roll is here to stay.

But let's hope not.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Get Free Personalized Retirement Advice

You're setting aside money in a retirement account, but you're not sure if you're saving enough. Or maybe you're in retirement and are looking for ways to make your money last. Or perhaps you need help getting your finances in order so that you can start saving for retirement. If you need help with these or any other retirement or financial matters, take advantage of an opportunity Thursday, February 20, to ask a financial planner your most pressing questions for free.

SEE ALSO: Are You Saving Enough for Retirement?

The Jump-Start Your Retirement Plan event sponsored by Kiplinger and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors offers people a chance to get free personalized financial advice. NAPFA members will be answering questions during online chats from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

10 Best Dividend Stocks To Invest In Right Now

Financial planners will answer questions on topics including saving for retirement, taxes and retirement, and income in retirement. They also will be able to help people with other financial challenges, such as paying down debt or saving for college. You can submit a question now or on the day of the event by visiting our online chat room. Your question will be submitted and held until an adviser can answer it on the day of the chat. Questions will be answered in the order in which they are received. If you can't visit on the day of the chat, you can check back later for a transcript with the answers to questions.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How China plans to go global

If anyone knows why China seems to be on the verge of eating America's lunch, Hesong Tang does.

Born into a family of bamboo cutters in rural Xiang Yang, China, Hesong Tang had never taken a shower or used a toilet before he was accepted into Tsinghua University, considered the Chinese MIT. And while that must have been a lot for a freshman-year roommate to deal with, Tang, who now oversees all corporate development at Baidu, China's version of Google, says "everything" has changed in China in the last two decades.

You probably haven't heard his name before. But this is the guy who controls the purse strings of China's largest Internet company. So it's best to listen up when one of the key minds running this $59 billion-valued company tells OZY six key takeaways about China, the Internet and the global economy.

1. Going global, fearlessly

OZY: How are Chinese companies like Baidu going to win the wider global race against companies like Google? There are plenty of odds against it.

HESONG TANG: China's Internet companies are more and more aggressively going global. Baidu has a presence in more than 10 countries outside of China: Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Tokyo, Egypt, Brazil, Japan … and we have a few other countries. Now companies like Tencent have local offices here. They are making acquisitions in the U.S. and promoting their user base in the U.S.

Another company is called UCWeb, a mobile browser company. The company has about 30 percent of market share in India and is operating in more than 10 countries with significant market share — in each case, more than 10 percent.

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2. Attn. American companies: Make decisions faster, stay later

OZY: Here's one quick hit — what do Chinese companies do better than American companies? You know both worlds, having worked at Microsoft in a heavily expat market.

HT: Decision-! making in many American companies is very slow. When I joined Baidu [from Microsoft], I found our decision-making very quick. One example [was] when Baidu acquired 91 Wireless — an Android application store — at $1.9 billion, which was the biggest-ever Internet acquisition in China. That was my deal. I was the person in charge of driving the whole thing. From the day of negotiating acquisition to signing the term sheet, it took between … eight and 10 days. That's unbelievable for a deal at $1.9 billion. When I was at Microsoft, I saw that for every deal, it took several months to make a decision. It's impossible to work like that. And that's why I think in China, many U.S. Internet companies have not done very well.

OZY: What else?

HT: Perfectionism.

In China, even in a big company like Baidu, on our campus — even at 8:00, 9:00 at night — the meeting rooms are overbooked. In China, there's a cultural thing — about perfectionism and entrepreneurship. And that's the key thing for the Internet business: Work fast.

OZY: And hard.

3. Censorship: Kinda good for business

OZY: Elephant in the room. The word censorship is (metaphorically) flashing in big red lights above this whole conversation. Sorry for mixing metaphors. But let's focus on that question. What do the rules about Internet in China mean for your business?

HT: There is less competition from multinational companies. Facebook cannot be in China. Google is struggling in China, and so a low-cost search engine company like Baidu and others get a better chance.

But [meanwhile] there are other major factors stirring business opportunity outside of these things. Entrepreneurs — and I'm not an entrepreneur, I'm a corporate executive — but entrepreneurs are doing things that are incrementally good for the market. On the other hand, U.S. Internet companies … are pretty much a failure in the Chinese market. Google doesn't do well. Yahoo is not doing well. EBay is not doing well. MSN used to be! great, b! ut it's shrinking its market share.

4. Deregulation ahead

OZY: What don't we know about the state of the Chinese economy right now — and how will it affect innovation?

HT: The new Chinese government supports reform and deregulation. China used to be a centralized economy like the Soviet Union, but that was 30 years ago. Since then, it has become a market economy. Today, it's still a partial market economy — partial, because there are a lot of regulations over here.

But the government is very determined — and the whole society is determined — to get deregulated, to drive a more market-oriented economy. Which is very good.

5. Business models > tech innovation?

OZY: If China really does beat out the U.S. tech market, how would it happen?

HT: The U.S. is taking the lead in terms of innovation and technology advancement — a big lead. But China's innovation is in business models, thinking about how to get users.

Take WeChat — it's like WhatsApp in China. But as a feature, WeChat is much better, much more popular, much more user-friendly than WhatsApp. It has 600 million users, and the [number of] daily active users is 200 million. That's big. They even offered a very smart promotion to help them gain ground in the U.S. — users can connect their Google accounts and perhaps get a cash bonus. That's just one example of what China's doing in global markets.

6. Looking ahead?

OZY: Let's look to the future.

HT: The biggest challenge for China is the slowing down of the economy. Normally people talk about three driving factors for China's economy: export, investments and consumption. China's economy traditionally relied more on export and investment. Investment has meant government-planned projects, huge projects on infrastructure, on big state enterprise projects. That investment is not very efficient in terms of a return-on-investment point of view. So China's economy needs to improve on the consumption level.

Just a few decad! es ago, w! e didn't have showers. Or hot water. So 80 percent of China has made a jump from a very, very poor primitive culture society to being very advanced. And I'm not just talking about Shanghai, but the rural parts as well. Now, we have iPhones, we have personal cars, we have apartments, we have single-family houses, we have high-rise buildings. And Shanghai has more high-rise buildings than San Francisco and Chicago.

So, I think there is much that could surprise us in the next few decades, too.

Ozy.comis a USA TODAY content partner providing general news, commentary and coverage from around the Web. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015

Just as we examine companies each week that may be rising past their fair value, we can also find companies potentially trading at bargain prices. While many investors would rather have nothing to do with companies tipping the scales at 52-week lows, I think it makes a lot of sense to determine whether the market has overreacted to the downside, just as we often do when the market reacts to the upside.

Here's a look at three fallen angels trading near their 52-week lows that could be worth buying.

Things really aren't that fishy
Without question, there can be quite a variance in riskiness to these buy suggestions. I would certainly place this one among the riskier of my CAPScall bets.

Today's first rebound candidate is the highly controversial Amarin (NASDAQ: AMRN  ) . Amarin's lead drug is Vascepa, a fish oil capsule that was approved last July to treat hypertriglyceridemia (i.e. high triglyceride levels). Since its approval, though, shares have lost about 60% of their value as buyout rumors surrounding the company have not come to fruition, and as competition in the sector builds.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Biox Corp(BX.TO)

BIOX Corporation, a renewable energy company, engages in the design, building, ownership, and operation of a biodiesel production facility in Canada. It produces biodiesel from various feedstock, including recycled vegetable oils, agricultural seed oils, yellow greases, and tallow. The company was incorporated in 2000 and is headquartered in Oakville, Canada.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Cowen Group Inc.(COWN)

Cowen Group, Inc. is a publicly owned asset management holding company. Through its subsidiaries, the firm provides alternative investment management, investment banking, research, and sales and trading services for its clients. It manages separate client focused portfolio through its subsidiaries. Through its subsidiaries, the firm invests in equity and fixed income markets. It also invests in alternative investments markets through its subsidiaries. Cowen Group, Inc. was founded in 1994 and is based in New York, New York with additional offices in Boston, Massachusetts, Chicago, Illinois, Cleveland, Ohio, Dallas, Texas, and San Francisco, California.

Top 5 Construction Stocks To Own Right Now: Falcon Ventures International I (FIX.V)

Firebird Resources Inc. engages in the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties in Canada and the United States. The company primarily focuses on three gold prospects in South Carolina. It holds interests in the Buzzard project, which is located in Lancaster County, South Carolina; Jefferson project located east of the Brewer mine; and the Belk project that is located east of Lancaster, South Carolina. The company was formerly known as Falcon Ventures International Inc. and changed its name to Firebird Resources Inc. in November 2009. Firebird Resources Inc. is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Vitec Group(VTC.L)

The Vitec Group plc, together with its subsidiaries, provides products and services for the broadcast, photographic, military, aerospace, and government markets worldwide. It operates in three divisions: Imaging and Staging, Videocom, and Services. The Imaging and Staging division engages in the design, manufacture, and distribution of equipment and accessories for professionals and amateurs in photography, video, and events fields. This division offers photo, video, and lighting support products; and stage and lighting systems, as well as distributes products for the photographic, video, cine, and lighting production markets. The Videocom division designs and distributes equipment principally for professionals engaged in producing and transporting video content for the media industries, such as broadcast, film, live events, and education, as well as for the military, aerospace, and government markets. It offers bags, camera accessories, lighting products, microwave system s, mobile power systems, prompters, and camera support equipment, as well as equipment rental services. The Services division provides equipment rental, workflow design, and technical support services for camera, video, audio, fiber optic, and wireless technology used by television production teams and film crews. It offers production equipment rental, used production equipment sales, maintenance services, event systems and services, and audio services and sales, as well as fiber optic system design, installation, and maintenance services. The company was formerly known as Vitec Group plc and changed its name to The Vitec Group plc in 2001. The Vitec Group plc was founded in 1910 and is headquartered in Kingston upon Thames, the United Kingdom.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: ING Real Estate Entertainment Fund (IEF.AX)

ING Real Estate Entertainment Fund operates as an open-ended property vehicle in Australia. It invests in the entertainment venues, hotels, and bars. As of December 31, 2004, the Fund held interests in nine hotels, of which six were located in New South Wales and three were located in Queensland. ING Real Estate Entertainment is based in Sydney, Australia.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Blue Calypso Inc (BCYP.OB)

Blue Calypso, Inc., formerly JJ&R Ventures, Inc. (JJ&R), incorporated on March 2, 2007, is a development stage company. The Blue Calypso platform consists of two primary components. The Blue Calypso Network, or back-end, includes the data warehouse of ad and related content, the ad rendering engine, endorser portal, brand portal, agency portal, administrative portal, and Web services and communications clusters responsible for receipt and transmission of data and content. The second component is the mobile platform, installed on endorser smartphone devices or accessed via an endorser Web portal,, and called Calyp. The Calyp mobile application and Website are the portals for endorsers to enter the community, initiate endorsements and interact with other endorsers. The Company owns four registered trademarks in the United States. Blue Calypso Holdings (Texas Corporation) merged into Blue Calypso, Inc. (Delaware Corporation), on December 17, 2011.

< p>On September 1, 2011, Blue Calypso Acquisition Corp., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, merged with and into Blue Calypso Holdings, Inc., with Blue Calypso Holdings, Inc. On October 17, 2011, the Company merged with and into Blue Calypso, Inc., a Delaware corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary, for the sole purpose of changing its state of incorporation from Nevada to Delaware. Aztec Systems, Inc. provides administrative and technical support services to the Company. The Company outsources the endorser reloadable Visa Debit card processing to an organization that is responsible for filing necessary taxes documents, preserving personally identifying information (PII/PCI) and maintaining and issuing the cash rewards to the endorsers.

The Company competes with MyLikes, Zuberance, WeReward (IZEA), Dunnhumby, BzzAgent, Groupon and Living Social.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Markman Advisors]

    Public companies leveraging their patent portfolios, (aka "patent plays"), are getting the market's attention. Companies such as Vringo (VRNG), ParkerVision (PRKR), MGT Capital (MGT), Worlds Inc. (WDDD.OB) and others have presented trading opportunities due to their volatility while retaining the chance for a big payoff to those investors who stay the course. Yet there exist viable patent plays that are still undiscovered. Some of these so called "plays," which are not getting enough attention, are actually real companies making and selling real products or services in contrast to pure patent monetization companies. Some known examples are Single Touch Interactive (SITO.OB) and Blue Calypso (BCYP.OB). This article is focused on another one of these patent plays, On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTIV).

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: United Continental Holdings Inc.(UAL)

United Continental Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in the provision of passenger and cargo air transportation services. As of February 24, 2011, it operated a total of approximately 5,675 flights a day to 372 airports on 6 continents from their hubs in Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Guam, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Tokyo, as well as in Washington, D.C. The company was formerly known as UAL Corporation and changed its name to United Continental Holdings, Inc. on October 1, 2010. United Continental Holdings, Inc. was founded in 1934 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Paul Quintaro]

    Shares of Delta Air (NYSE: DAL) are down 3.6 percent at last check, shares of United Continental (NYSE: UAL) are down 3.8 percent, US Air (NYSE: LCC) shares down 2.8 percent, shares of Southwest (NYSE: LUV) down 2 percent, JetBlue (NASDAQ: JBLU) shares down 2 percent and shares of SkyWest (NASDAQ: SKYW) down nearly 4 percent.

  • [By Adam Levine-Weinberg]

    Last Thursday, United Continental (NYSE: UAL  ) filed an investor update, providing some more insight into the company's likely Q2 results. The update was generally positive from a revenue perspective, suggesting that United is seeing relatively good demand for the summer travel season. However, the analyst community still has unrealistically high expectations for United, in light of the company's unfavorable cost structure.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Hoku Corporation(HOKU)

Hoku Corporation operates as a solar energy products and services company primarily in the United States. It focuses on manufacturing polysilicon, a primary material used in the manufacture of photovoltaic (PV) modules; and designing, engineering, and installing turnkey PV systems and related services in Hawaii using solar modules purchased from third-party suppliers. The company was formerly known as Hoku Scientific, Inc. and changed its name to Hoku Corporation in March 2010. Hoku Corporation was incorporated in 2001 and is headquartered in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Warner Chilcott plc(WCRX)

Warner Chilcott Public Limited Company, a specialty pharmaceutical company, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the development, manufacture, and promotion of branded pharmaceutical products focusing on the women?s healthcare, gastroenterology, dermatology, and urology markets in North America and western Europe. Its principal products include ACTONEL for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis; ATELVIA for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis; LOESTRIN 24 FE and LO LOESTRIN FE, which are oral contraceptives for the prevention of pregnancy; ESTRACE cream, a vaginal cream for the treatment of vaginal and vulvar atrophy; ASACOL for the treatment of ulcerative colitis for orally administered 5-aminosalicylic acid products and maintenance of remission; ASACOL HD for the treatment of moderately active ulcerative colitis; DORYX, a tetracycline-class oral antibiotic for the treatment of severe acne; and ENABLEX for the treatment of overactive b ladder. The company markets its products and services through wholesale pharmaceutical distributors, and retail drug store chains. It has a strategic collaboration agreement with Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC. Warner Chilcott Public Limited Company was founded in 1968 and is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Sean Williams]

    What: Shares of Warner Chilcott (NASDAQ: WCRX  ) , a branded pharmaceutical company focused on women's health care, shot higher by as much as 20% after the company reported its first-quarter earnings results, and on news that it could be a buyout target.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Domino's Pizza UK & IRL Plc(DOM.L)

Domino?s Pizza UK & IRL plc, together with its subsidiaries, holds the master franchise to own, operate, and franchise Domino?s Pizza stores in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. As of March 30, 2011, it operated 672 stores, which include 530 stores in England, 47 in Scotland, 27 in Wales, 18 in northern Ireland, 1 on the Isle of Man, 48 in the Republic of Ireland, and 1 mobile unit. The company, through its subsidiary, Intergrowth Enterprises Limited, also operates two stores in Berlin, Germany. Domino?s Pizza UK & IRL plc is headquartered in Milton Keynes, the United Kingdom.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Augur Resources Ltd (AUK.AX)

Augur Resources Ltd, a resource development company, engages in the acquisition, exploration, development, and mining of mineral deposits. The company primarily focuses on gold, copper, silver, and nickel projects. It holds interests in the Wonogiri project covering a prospective 3,928 hectares located in central Java, Indonesia. The company also owns interests in the Collerina project covering an area of 300 square kilometres within the Fifield Platinum Province in central New South Wales; the Yeoval tenement covering an area of approximately 147 square kilometres within the Lachlan Belt of New South Wales; and the Weelah tenement covering approximately 150 square kilometers in the Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales in Australia. Augur Resources Ltd is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Wipro Limited(WIT)

Wipro Limited provides information technology (IT) products and services, consumer care and lighting products, and infrastructure engineering services primarily in India, the United States, and Europe. The company?s IT Services segment offers IT and IT enabled services, including software application development, application maintenance, research, and development services for hardware and software design, data center outsourcing services, and business process outsourcing services. Its IT Products segment produces and sells a range of Wipro personal desktop computers, Wipro servers, and Wipro notebooks. This segment also operates as a reseller of desktops, servers, notebooks, storage products, networking solutions, and packaged software for various international brands. The company?s Consumer Care and Lighting segment manufactures, distributes, and sells personal care products, baby care products, lighting products, and hydrogenated cooking oils in India and rest of Asia. Wipro Limited also manufactures and sells hydraulic cylinders, truck cylinders, and their components and solutions to original equipment manufacturers, as well as provides water treatment systems and solutions. The company was founded in 1945 and is headquartered in Bangalore, India.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Brian Stoffel]

    That helps explain why Accenture and IBM,�the industry's two biggest players, have been able to gobble up so much market share. But there's a second tier of technology-consultants -- in terms of sheer size -- as well. That's where Cognizant, as well as its main competition --�Infosys (NYSE: INFY  ) and Wipro (NYSE: WIT  ) �-- come in to play.

Best Rising Companies To Buy For 2015: Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc (CPIX.O)

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Cumberland), incorporated on January 6, 1999, is specialty pharmaceutical company focused on the acquisition, development and commercialization of branded prescription products. Cumberland is focused on acquiring rights to, developing and commercializing prescription products for the hospital care and gastroenterology markets. Its product portfolio includes Acetadote (acetylcysteine), Caldolor (ibuprofen), Kristalose (lactulose) and Hepatoren (ifetroban). As of December 31, 2011, Hepatoren was in Phase II clinical development. The Company markets and sells its products through its hospital and gastroenterology sales forces in the United States. Its pre-clinical product candidates are being developed through its 85% owned subsidiary Cumberland Emerging Technologies, Inc. In November 2011, the Company completed the acquisition of the remaining rights associated with the Kristalose brand, including the United Sates Food and Drug Administrat ion (FDA) registration and trademark. During the year ended December 31, 2011, it acquired rights to a late-stage product candidate that it develops under the brand name Hepatoren.


Acetadote is an intravenous formulation of N-acetylcysteine, or NAC, indicated for the treatment of acetaminophen poisoning. Acetadote is used in hospital emergency departments. In January 2011, the Company received the United Sates Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval and commenced the United Sates launch activities for this Acetadote formulation.

The Company competes with Geneva Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ben Venue Laboratories, Inc., Roxane Laboratories, Inc. and Hospira Inc.


Caldolor, Cumberland�� intravenous formulation of ibuprofen, is the injectable product approved in the United States for the treatment of both pain and fever. The product is indicated for use in adults for the management of mild to m oderate pain, for the management of moderate to severe pai! n ! as an adjunct to opioid analgesics, and for the reduction of fever. As of December 31, 2011, it was enrolling patients in four clinical studies designed to support marketing of Caldolor. Two of these clinical trials are designed to support pediatric use, including a pediatric fever study to evaluate safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics of Caldolor in hospitalized children ,as well as a pediatric pain study. Two registry studies with Caldolor are also underway and are designed to gather additional safety and efficacy data on use of the product in adults. As of December 31, 2011, Caldolor was available in 800 milligram vials.

The Company competes with EKR Therapeutics, Inc.


Kristalose is a prescription laxative administered orally for the treatment of constipation. Kristalose is a dry powder crystalline formulation of lactulose. Kristalose is manufactured under a contract with Inalco S.p.A. and Inalco Biochemicals, Inc. (colle ctively Inalco). Constipation treatments are sold in both the over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription segments.

The Company competes with Sucampo Pharmaceuticals Inc., Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited and Braintree Laboratories, Inc.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Top 5 Undervalued Stocks To Own For 2014

Since 2007, we had an undervalued market, as measured by the standard averages. I no longer think this is the case. Fortunately, however, we are not buying based on averages, notes Russ Kaplan, editor of Heartland Advisor.

We are buying individual companies and there are still many which we think qualify as buy candidates. Because of this, I do not recommend changing strategies. We do, however, see the need to be much more selective.

I first recommended Deere & Company (DE) in 1998. Since then the price has more than doubled and the dividend has been above average. So why buy it now?

I look for a price which is below intrinsic value (how much the company is really worth). This is the case with Deere, since its intrinsic value has grown more than the price at which the stock is now trading.

Back in 1837, when the Industrial Revolution was starting, and agriculture was moving beyond the horse and wooden plow, Deere was established. Their first invention and product was the steel plow, which ensured improvement for planting deeper rows.

Top 5 Undervalued Stocks To Own For 2014: Caterpillar Inc.(CAT)

Caterpillar Inc. manufactures and sells construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines, and diesel-electric locomotives worldwide. It operates through three lines of businesses: Machinery, Engines, and Financial Products. The Machinery business offers construction, mining, and forestry machinery, including track and wheel tractors, track and wheel loaders, pipelayers, motor graders, wheel tractor-scrapers, track and wheel excavators, backhoe loaders, log skidders, log loaders, off-highway trucks, articulated trucks, paving products, skid steer loaders, underground mining equipment, tunnel boring equipment, and related parts. It also manufactures diesel-electric locomotives; and manufactures and services rail-related products and logistics services for other companies. The Engines business provides diesel, heavy fuel, and natural gas reciprocating engines for Caterpillar machinery, electric power generation systems, marine, petrol eum, construction, industrial, agricultural, and other applications. It offers industrial turbines and turbine-related services for oil and gas, and power generation applications. This business also remanufactures Caterpillar engines, machines, and engine components; and offers remanufacturing services for other companies. The Financial Products business provides retail and wholesale financing alternatives for Caterpillar machinery and engines, solar gas turbines, and other equipment and marine vessels, as well as offers loans and various forms of insurance to customers and dealers. It also offers financing for vehicles, power generation facilities, and marine vessels. The company markets its products directly, as well as through its distribution centers, dealers, and distributors. It was formerly known as Caterpillar Tractor Co. and changed its name to Caterpillar Inc. in 1986. Caterpillar Inc. was founded in 1925 and is headquartered in Peoria, Illinois.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Dan Carroll]

    Finally, Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT  ) shares have fallen 1.9% today, putting it near the bottom of the index as well. This company's earnings also disappointed investors, and the international slowdown in Europe, China, and other leading economies has crippled Caterpillar's outlook. While there are signs of hope for the firm in the U.S. housing rebound, until China's economy picks up steam from its current lackluster growth -- or until some other economic mover and shaker fills the void -- Caterpillar will continue to feel the pressure.

  • [By Marshall Hargrave]

    Back in January, we wrote about why we thought Caterpillar (CAT) was a solid investment opportunity. Since then the stock is down 15% and famed short seller Jim Chanos has announced he's short the stock. Chanos thinks the company has too much exposure to the wrong products at the wrong place in the cycle.

Top 5 Undervalued Stocks To Own For 2014: Schlumberger N.V.(SLB)

Schlumberger Limited, together with its subsidiaries, supplies technology, integrated project management, and information solutions to the oil and gas exploration and production industries worldwide. The company?s Oilfield Services segment provides exploration and production services; wireline technology that offers open-hole and cased-hole services; supplies engineering support, directional-drilling, measurement-while-drilling, and logging-while-drilling services; and testing services. This segment also offers well services; supplies well completion services and equipment; artificial lift; data and consulting services; geo services; and information solutions, such as consulting, software, information management system, and IT infrastructure services that support oil and gas industry. Its WesternGeco segment provides reservoir imaging, monitoring, and development services; and operates data processing centers and multiclient seismic library. This segment also offers variou s services include 3D and time-lapse (4D) seismic surveys to multi-component surveys for delineating prospects and reservoir management. The company?s M-I SWACO segment supplies drilling fluid systems to improve drilling performance; fluid systems and specialty tools to optimize wellbore productivity; production technology solutions to maximize production rates; and environmental solutions that manages waste volumes generated in drilling and production operations. Its Smith Oilfield segment designs, manufactures, and markets drill bits and borehole enlargement tools; and supplies drilling tools and services, tubular, completion services, and other related downhole solutions. The company?s Distribution segment markets pipes, valves, and fittings, as well as mill, safety, and other maintenance products. This segment also provides warehouse management, vendor integration, and inventory management services. Schlumberger Limited was founded in 1927 and is based in Houston, Texas.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Monica Gerson]

    Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB) is estimated to report its Q3 earnings at $1.24 per share on revenue of $11.58 billion.

    Honeywell International (NYSE: HON) is projected to report its Q3 earnings at $1.24 per share on revenue of $9.92 billion.

  • [By David Smith]

    Big and not so big at your service
    In the services sector, perhaps the most difficult to comprehend of the sub-sectors, you likely have a good handle on the kingpin, Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB  ) . The company, with a $100 billion market cap, operates in about 85 countries, through the efforts of more than 100,000 employees. Its services include everything from soup to nuts, or seismic to production assistance. So, if you're looking for an ideal company to constitute a single proxy for the services contingent, Schlumberger's a good bet.

  • [By Matt DiLallo]

    Along with announcing earnings, both Halliburton (NYSE: HAL  ) and Schlumberger (NYSE: SLB  ) announced multi-billion-dollar stock buybacks. With so much money on the line, investors have to ask if this is the right move for these two oil-field service giants. Are these stocks cheap enough to warrant the buybacks or should these companies consider other options for those funds?

Top 10 Safest Stocks To Buy Right Now: Dollar Tree Inc.(DLTR)

Dollar Tree, Inc. operates discount variety stores in the United States and Canada. Its stores offer merchandise primarily at the fixed price of $1.00. The company operates its stores under the names of Dollar Tree, Deal$, Dollar Tree Deal$, Dollar Giant, and Dollar Bills. Its stores offer consumable merchandise, including candy and food, and health and beauty care, as well as household consumables, such as paper, plastics, household chemicals, in select stores, and frozen and refrigerated food; variety merchandise, which includes toys, durable housewares, gifts, party goods, greeting cards, softlines, and other items; and seasonal goods, such as Easter, Halloween, and Christmas merchandise. As of April 30, 2011, it operated 4,089 stores in 48 states and the District of Columbia, as well as 88 stores in Canada. The company was founded in 1986 and is based in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Rich Duprey]

    Deep discounter Dollar Tree (NASDAQ: DLTR  ) announced today that its current chief operating officer, Gary Philbin, will now also carry the title of president, a position previously held by company CEO Bob Sasser.

  • [By Paul Ausick]

    The other stock the firm likes is Dollar Tree Inc. (NASDAQ: DLTR). The company�� shares have lost about 4.6% since reporting an earnings per share (EPS) miss for the third quarter and the Sterne Agee analysts see the lower price as a ��reat entry point��for buying the stock. Dollar Tree raised fiscal year 2013 EPS guidance from a range of $2.66 to $2.77 to a new range of $2.72 to $2.78, effectively raising the mid-point by $0.04. Sterne Agee reiterated its Buy rating on the stock with a price target of $63. Dollar Tree�� shares are trading down nearly 0.4% at $55.99 in a 52-week range of $37.47 to $60.19.

  • [By Paul Ausick]

    Big Earnings Movers: Target Corp. (NYSE: TGT) is down 3.5% at $64.19. Sears Holdings Corp. (NASDAQ: SHLD) is down 2.9% at $59.93 on a wider loss and tepid outlook. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc. (NASDAQ: GMCR) is up 14.1% at $70.57 indicating that investors liked the results posted after markets closed on Wednesday. Dollar Tree Inc. (NASDAQ: DLTR) is down 4.5% at $56.28. Abercrombie & Fitch Inc. (NYSE: ANF) is down 0.1% at $34.97.

  • [By Demitrios Kalogeropoulos]

    Costly market share gains
    The problem is that Family Dollar has had to pay up for its increasing market share and sales levels. The company's gross profit margin fell by more than a full percentage point, to 34.7% last quarter. In contrast, Dollar Tree (NASDAQ: DLTR  ) booked an expansion of profits, to 35.2%, continuing a trend that's seen it pull away from Family Dollar.

Top 5 Undervalued Stocks To Own For 2014: Tupperware Corporation(TUP)

Tupperware Brands Corporation operates as a direct seller of various products across a range of brands and categories through an independent sales force. The company engages in the manufacture and sale of kitchen and home products, and beauty and personal care products. It offers preparation, storage, and serving solutions for the kitchen and home, as well as kitchen cookware and tools, children?s educational toys, microwave products, and gifts under the Tupperware brand name primarily in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, the Asia Pacific, and North America. The company provides beauty and personal care products, which include skin care products, cosmetics, bath and body care, toiletries, fragrances, nutritional products, apparel, and related products principally in Mexico, South Africa, the Philippines, Australia, and Uruguay. It offers beauty and personal care products under the Armand Dupree, Avroy Shlain, BeautiControl, Fuller, NaturCare, Nutrimetics, Nuvo, and Swissgar de brand names. The company sells its Tupperware products directly to distributors, directors, managers, and dealers; and beauty products primarily through consultants and directors. As of December 26, 2009, the Tupperware distribution system had approximately 1,800 distributors, 61,300 managers, and 1.3 million dealers; and the sales force representing the Beauty businesses approximately 1.1 million. The company was formerly known as Tupperware Corporation and changed its name to Tupperware Brands Corporation in December 2005. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Orlando, Florida.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Eric Volkman]

    Tupperware Brands (NYSE: TUP  ) is reaching into its corporate bowl for a fresh payout to shareholders. The company has declared a quarterly dividend of $0.62 per share. This will be paid on July 8 to stockholders of record as of June 19. That amount matches the firm's previous distribution, which was paid in early April. Prior to that, Tupperware Brands was rather less generous, handing out $0.36 per share.

  • [By Oliver Pursche]

    European large-cap pharmaceuticals like Novartis (NVS) �and Bristol Meyers Squibb (BMY) �count amongst some of our favorite stocks right now, as do U.S. multinationals that are growing revenue and margins in Asia ��Tupperware (TUP) �is a shining example. Stay away from utilities and energy stocks, as they are likely to be the laggards over the next year.

  • [By Dan Caplinger]

    Where growth will come from
    One area that Newell Rubbermaid still has to tap fully is emerging markets. The company has done a good job of expanding overseas, with 17% annual growth in Latin America. But with barely a quarter of its sales coming from outside the U.S. and Canada, the company has a lot further to go. Storage rival Tupperware (NYSE: TUP  ) gets fully 60% of its total revenue from emerging markets, and it too has seen impressive gains in South America as well as the Asia-Pacific region.

U.S. Auto Companies Release Sales Data; Growth Reported by Ford and Chrysler; GM Suffers Decline

December 2013 sales reports for Ford (NYSE: F), Chrysler, and General Motors (NYSE: GM) were released on Friday, with more (international) auto companies expected to release sales reports later this afternoon.

For the month, Ford reported 1.8 percent increase in total vehicle sales, Chrysler a 6 percent increase, and General Motors a 6 percent decrease when compared to the same month for 2012.

Although Ford and Chrysler experienced an increase in sales for December, both companies fell below growth estimates of 4.3 percent and 8.4 percent, respectively. General Motors' decline in sales was in drastic contrast to the estimate of a 1.5 percent increase.

Ford Motor

Ford's 2013 U.S. sales totaled 2,493,918, making it the top U.S. brand for the fourth consecutive year. The high sales performance of Ford is partly attributable to annual sales records set by Fusion, Fiesta, Escape and the F-Series. The strongest regions for Ford are the West and Southeast, with a 21 percent and 17 percent increase in yearly sales.

Other significant sales increases for Ford include the Police Interceptor Utility, which experienced a 127.1 percent increase for December and 140.3 percent for the year.

Related: Tesla May Unveil Lower-Priced Sedan at 2015 Detroit Auto Show


Chrysler's Jeep brand experienced its best ever December sales with a 34 percent gain, helping Chrysler reach 45 consecutive months of year-over-year gains.

"Our Jeep and Ram Truck brands had a strong finish led by the all-new 2014 Jeep Cherokee and the Ram pickup truck, Motor Trend's 2014 Truck of the Year. Sales of the new Cherokee topped 15,000 units in December as our newest SUV continues its solid sales performance out of the gate," said Reid Bigland, head of U.S sales.

The new 2014 Jeep Cherokee experienced a 48 percent increase in sales over the previous month and was awarded the "best new SUV/CUV under $35,000" by the Automobile Journalist Association of Canada. The Ram 1500 saw gains of 11 percent for December and was named Motor Trend's 2014 Truck of the Year, becoming the first ever back-to-back winner.

General Motors

GM December sales totaled 230,157 vehicles, a decrease of 6 percent from the previous year. Despite this decrease, the month's volume was the highest since August and sales for the quarter increased 6 percent.

The Acadia had gains of 53 percent, the model's best December ever. Buick also had its best sales year since 2006, partly due to the expansion into the sedan and crossover markets with the Verano and Encore.

Kurt McNeil, vice president of U.S. sales said, "2013 was the year that GM and the auto industry put the last traces of the recession in the rear-view mirror, so now we can devote our full attention to the things that matter most to customers: compelling design, world-class quality and delivering the best ownership experience in the business."

Posted-In: Acadia Chrysler Escape fiesta Fusion Jeep CherokeeEarnings News Retail Sales Markets Best of Benzinga

(c) 2014 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Toyota recalling 1.9M Prius cars

Toyota is recalling around 1.9 million hybrid Prius cars around the world following the discovery of faulty software in the car's hybrid-control system.

The affected vehicles were manufactured between March 2009 and February 2014.

Toyota said that 997,000 Prius cars in Japan, some 713,000 in North America, another 130,000 in Europe and the rest in other regions are being recalled.

Toyota says of the software defect: "In rare circumstances, the hybrid system might shut down while the vehicle is being driven, resulting in the loss of power and the vehicle coming to a stop."

No accidents or injuries have been reported related to the problem.

"Since claims of unintended acceleration first popped up for Toyota back 2009, we have seen a significant increase in the number of recalls the manufacturer has issued," says Alec Gutierrez, senior analyst at Kelley Blue Book.

"Although consumers continue to give Toyota the benefit of the doubt, with the competition today stronger than Toyota has ever seen, Toyota needs to keep a keen eye on quality to ensure current owners and potential intenders don't begin to look elsewhere," he cautions.

Top 10 Financial Stocks To Own For 2015

The Japanese automaker suffered massive recalls starting in 2009, affecting more than 14 million vehicles for problems including floor mats, gas pedals and brakes.

Affected car owners can get more information at or by calling Toyota at 1-800-331-4331, the carmaker's website says.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now

DETROIT -- It's only a concept, but the Toyota FT-1 concept was just the kind of sports car that sets pulses aflutter at the North American International Auto Show here.

"This is the symbol of Toyota's design future," said Kevin Hunter, head of Toyota's California design studio where the FT was designed. FT stands for Future Toyota.

The car similarities to the look of the Scion FR-S, the smaller sports car that Toyota developed for its youth-oriented line with Subaru, which sells it as the BRZ.

But FT-1 takes it to another level with show-car design features, such a deep, sculpted scoops routing air to the rear wheels and out the back and a spoiler wing that raises high above the rear. and a serious sports car interior and head-up display.

Toyota made a point of stressing that the car extends Toyota sports car heritage: Most recently the Supra, no longer made, that was one of Toyota's cult favorites.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: GTA Resources and Mining Inc (GTA)

GTA Resources and Mining Inc. (GTA) is a development-stage company. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties in Canada. The Company�� Auden property consists of a 100% interest in a claim group located in Auden, Fintry, Rowlandson, Shuel and Mulloy townships, and Limestone Rapids and Pitopiko River Areas, between Hearst and Longlac in Northern Ontario. As of March 31, 2012, the Auden property consisted of 107 mining claims comprising 1,596 claim units covering 24, 799 hectares in a largely contiguous block. The claims are all located in the Porcupine Mining Division, in Auden Township, Pitopiko River Area, Feagan Lake Area, Fintry Township, Mulloy Township, Rowlandson Township, Shuel Township and Limestone Rapids. The Northshore Property consists of two unpatented and 5 patented mineral claims (approximately 322.26 hectares) situated in the Township of Priske, Thunder Bay Mining Division, Ontario.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: North American Energy Partners Inc. (NOA)

North American Energy Partners Inc. provides heavy construction and mining, piling, and pipeline installation services to customers in the Canadian oil sands, industrial construction, commercial and public construction, and pipeline construction markets. The company operates in three segments: Heavy Construction and Mining, Piling, and Pipeline. The Heavy Construction and Mining segment focuses on providing surface mining support services for oil sands and other natural resources. Its activities include land clearing, stripping, muskeg removal, and overburden removal to expose the mining area; the supply of labor and equipment to supplement customers� mining fleets supporting ore mining; and provision of general support services, such as road building, repair and maintenance for mine and treatment plant operations, and hauling of sand and gravel. This segment also engages in the construction related to the expansion of existing projects-site development and infrastructure ; and the provision of environmental and tailings management services. In addition, it provides industrial site construction for mega-projects; and underground utility installation services for plant, refinery, and commercial building construction. The Piling segment installs driven, drilled, and screw piles, as well as caissons and earth retention, and stabilization systems. It also designs, manufactures, and sells screw piles and pipeline anchoring systems worldwide, as well as provides tank maintenance services to the petro-chemical industry in Canada and the United States. The Pipeline segment provides small and large diameter pipeline construction and installation services, as well as equipment rental to energy and industrial clients. The company�s fleet includes approximately 900 pieces of diversified heavy construction equipment supported by approximately 750 pieces of ancillary equipment. North American Energy Partners Inc. was founded in 1953 and is headquartered i n Calgary, Canada.

Hot Medical Companies To Invest In 2015: Materion Corporation (MTRN)

Materion Corporation, a materials solutions company, engages in the production and supply of high-performance engineered materials in the United States and internationally. The company offers high performance materials solutions for large area coatings, alternative energy, and thin film applications; and specialty inorganic chemicals for semiconductors, LED lighting, and energy storage applications. It also provides precision thin film coatings and optical filters for manufacturers in the defense, commercial, space, science, astronomy, and thermal imaging industries; beryllium-based metals and metal matrix composites for commercial, research, and engineering applications; and copper, copper beryllium, and spinodal alloy products for end-use products in the aerospace, automotive, computers, telecommunications, manufacturing equipment, mobile equipment, medical products, oil and gas, alternative energy, and plastic tooling markets. In addition, the company offers high perfor mance engineered ceramics; beryllium X-ray window and ultra high vacuum products; electron beam welding, vacuum furnace brazing, and waterjet cutting services, as well as engineering support services; and beryllium products, such as speaker domes and microphone transducers. Further, Materion Corporation provides precision-coated materials; thin film deposition materials, electronic packaging products, and specialty materials for the semiconductor, photonics, data storage, wireless, military, and medical markets; and precision parts cleaning, precious metals refining, and recycling services. Additionally, it engages in beryllium mining and milling business; and offers engineered beryllium materials and specialty strip metal products. The company was formerly known as Brush Engineered Materials Inc. and changed its name to Materion Corporation on March 8, 2011. Materion Corporation was founded in 1931 and is headquartered in Mayfield Heights, Ohio.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Seth Jayson]

    Margins matter. The more Materion (NYSE: MTRN  ) keeps of each buck it earns in revenue, the more money it has to invest in growth, fund new strategic plans, or (gasp!) distribute to shareholders. Healthy margins often separate pretenders from the best stocks in the market. That's why we check up on margins at least once a quarter in this series. I'm looking for the absolute numbers, so I can compare them to current and potential competitors, and any trend that may tell me how strong Materion's competitive position could be.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: SMART Technologies Inc.(SMT)

SMART Technologies Inc. designs, develops, and sells interactive technology products and solutions that enhance learning and enable people to collaborate worldwide. The company offers a range of SMART Board interactive whiteboards and displays, as well as other interactive products, such as interactive tables, interactive pen displays, student response systems, wireless slates, audio enhancement systems, document cameras, conferencing software, and a line of interactive learning software. Its portfolio of related attachment products include SMART Response, SMART Slate, SMART Document Camera, SMART Table, SMART Audio, and SMART Classroom Suite. SMART Technologies also provides free online learning resources, an online teacher community, and training and professional development. It sells its interactive whiteboards through a network of distributors and dealers to the education, business, and government markets. The company was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Calgary , Canada.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Seth Jayson]

    Smart Technologies (Nasdaq: SMT  ) is expected to report Q4 earnings on May 16. Here's what Wall Street wants to see:

    The 10-second takeaway
    Comparing the upcoming quarter to the prior-year quarter, average analyst estimates predict Smart Technologies's revenues will wither -22.4% and EPS will remain in the red.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: Koninklijke Ahold NV (AHONY)

Koninklijke Ahold N.V. (Ahold), incorporated on April 29, 1920, is engaged in the operation of retail food stores in the United States and Europe through subsidiaries and joint ventures. Ahold�� retail operations are presented in four segments: Stop & Shop/Giant-Landover, Giant-Carlisle, Albert Heijn and Albert/Hypernova. During the fiscal year ended January 3, 2010 (fiscal 2009), it operated 2,909 stores. On February 8, 2010, Ahold�� Giant-Carlisle acquired 25 stores from Ukrop�� Super Markets.

Franchisees operated 783 of the Albert Heijn, Etos and Gall & Gall stores, 463 of which were either owned by the franchisees or leased independently from Ahold. Of the 2,446 stores, 20% were company-owned and 80% were leased. Ahold�� stores range in size from 20 to over 10,000 square meters. Albert Heijn is a food retailer in the Netherlands. Etos is a health and beauty retailer in the Netherlands. Gall & Gall is a wine and liquor specialist in the Netherlands. Stop & Shop is a supermarket brand, operating in six states in the northeast United States. Giant-Landover is a supermarket brand, operating in four states in the mid-Atlantic United States. Peapod is an online grocery delivery service working in partnership with Stop & Shop and Giant-Landover. It also serves the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Illinois; Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin, and the northern areas of Indiana.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Rich Duprey]

    As mentioned, Kroger is still swallowing Harris Teeter and has said it needs time to make more acquisitions. Royal Ahold (NASDAQOTH: AHONY  ) is also said to be leery about doing large acquisitions these days, while Cerberus recently finished acquiring the Albertsons and Acme chains from SUPERVALU (NYSE: SVU  ) �for $3.3 billion.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: Putnam Premier Income Trust(PPT)

Putnam Premier Income Trust is a closed ended fixed income mutual fund launched and managed by Putnam Investment Management, LLC. The fund is co-managed by Putnam Investments (U.K.) Limited and The Putnam Advisory Company, LLC. It invests in the public fixed income markets across the globe. The fund primarily invests in U.S. high-grade and high-yield bonds with an average credit quality of BBB by S&P Corporation. It benchmarks the performance of its portfolio against the Barclays Capital Government Bond Index. Putnam Premier Income Trust was formed on February 29, 1988 and is domiciled in the United States.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: Sabine Royalty Trust(SBR)

Sabine Royalty Trust receives a distribution of royalty and mineral interests from Sabine Corporation. Its royalty and mineral interests, include landowner?s royalties, overriding royalty interests, minerals, production payments, and other non-participatory interests in various producing and proved undeveloped oil and gas properties in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The company was founded in 1982 and is based in Dallas, Texas.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Lawrence Meyers]

    The Sabine Royalty Trust (SBR) is diversified from a geographical perspective, with interests spreading across both producing and undeveloped gas properties in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.� It essentially operates as a holding company into which all the royalties get deposited and all the money gets distributed to shareholders via its 9.2% yield.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: Emeritus Corporation (ESC)

Emeritus Corporation operates senior living communities in the United States. The company�s communities offer Alzheimer�s and dementia care, independent living, assisted living, specialized memory care, and skilled nursing care services. It also provides management services to independent and related-party owners of assisted living communities. As of November 15, 2012, the company operated approximately 470 senior living communities in 44 states with a resident capacity for approximately 50,000 residents. Emeritus Corporation was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Seth Jayson]

    Calling all cash flows
    When you are trying to buy the market's best stocks, it's worth checking up on your companies' free cash flow once a quarter or so, to see whether it bears any relationship to the net income in the headlines. That's what we do with this series. Today, we're checking in on Emeritus (NYSE: ESC  ) , whose recent revenue and earnings are plotted below.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: U.S. Geothermal Inc (GTH.TO)

U.S. Geothermal, Inc. engages in the acquisition, development, and utilization of geothermal resources in the western region of the United States. It constructs and manages power plants that utilize geothermal resources to produce energy. The company operates two power plants, including the Raft River geothermal power project located in the Raft River area of southern Idaho; and a 3.6 MW operating geothermal power plant and approximately 30,734.21 acres of geothermal energy leases and certain ground water rights located north of Reno, Nevada. It also holds interests in the Neal Hot Springs project located in eastern Oregon, which is under construction; Raft River project with 10 parcels comprising 783.93 acres of fee land and 4,736.79 acres of contiguous leased geothermal rights located on private property in Cassia County, Idaho; and lease contracts for approximately 21,905 acres of land and geothermal rights located in the San Emidio Desert, Nevada. In addition, the comp any has a geothermal lease contract for Granite Creek assets comprising approximately 2,443 acres of land and geothermal water rights located in the northwestern Nevada; and owns a geothermal concession consisting of 24,710 acres located southwest of Guatemala City, the Republic of Guatemala. Further, it has a joint venture agreement for geothermal rights for 3,615 acres located in northwestern Nevada. U.S. Geothermal, Inc. was founded in 2002 and is based in Boise, Idaho.

Hot Up And Coming Stocks To Watch Right Now: PC Connection Inc.(PCCC)

PC Connection, Inc. operates as a direct marketer of various information technology solutions. The company?s products include computer systems; software and peripheral equipment; networking communications; notebooks and personal digital assistants; video, imaging, and sound devices; desktops and servers; net/com products; printers and printer supplies; storage devices; memory and system enhancements; and other accessories, as well as digital cameras and digital media players. It also provides design, installation, configuration, and other services through its personnel and third-party providers. The company markets its products through,,,, and, as well as through catalogs. It serves small to medium-sized businesses; enterprise customers; federal, state, and local government agencies; and consumers and small office/home office customers, as well as educational institutions. PC Connec tion, Inc. was founded in 1982 and is headquartered in Merrimack, New Hampshire.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Festival Lets You Eat, Drink, Floss with Bacon

Top 10 Energy Stocks To Buy Right Now

Bizarre BaconWayne Parry/APA BLT made with an entire pound of bacon on display at the Tropicana Casino and Resort in Atlantic City, N.J. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -- Get ready for bacon like you've never eaten, drunk or worn it before. Bacon milkshakes. Chocolate-covered bacon shaped like roses. Bacon-flavored toothpaste, dental floss and lip balm. Bacon bourbon, margaritas, beer and vodka. Bacon ice cream sundaes. A BLT sandwich with a full pound of bacon. They're all on the menu this week as one Atlantic City casino stretches the bounds of good taste and cardiovascular health with Bacon Week. The festival at the Tropicana Casino and Resort gives new meaning to the term "pigging out." The idea of a bacon festival is not as far-fetched as it might sound. Americans eat about 1.5 billion pounds of bacon a year, according to the National Pork Board. And the website counted nearly 30 bacon festivals around the country from late April through December 2013, many of whose tickets sold out in minutes. "Bacon is like heaven," said Nadina Fornia, of Egg Harbor Township. "If you're going to die, die with bacon on your lips and a BLT in each hand." She was drawn to the casino Monday by the promise of bacon in far-out forms, including milkshakes and beer (not in the same glass, thankfully.) She also heard about the bacon-infused vodka. "That is my quest today," she said. Fornia tried a bacon bloody Mary mixed with a smoky bacon beer. Despite the overwhelming salty taste and the small strip of bacon floating in the glass, it tasted mostly like sharp tomato juice, she said. Nearby were chocolate covered pretzels with crumbled bacon bits; chocolate-drizzled potato chips with bacon, two kinds of pasta dishes with bacon, bacon cupcakes, and bacon wrapped around a fake green stem to form roses, which were then dipped in chocolate. "The first taste is chocolatey, then it's all bacon," said Melissa Ehrke, of Egg Harbor Township. "I was a little surprised I liked it, 'cause I was afraid to try it. It's that whole sweet and salty thing." While bacon-flavored grooming items are sold at festivals around the nation, they were encountering some skepticism at the Tropicana this week. "There are people that are just crazy for bacon," said Denise McGrath, of Neptune City. "But bacon toothpaste or floss? I'm not that crazy." James Sanders, of New York City, was in heaven trying as many free samples of bacon-flavored items as he could get his hands on. "I love me some bacon!" he exclaimed between bites of ... something. "I don't even know what this is, but it's got bacon in it. And it's good!" Sanders said eating bacon is a multilayered experience. "You keep chewing it and chewing it, and the flavor comes out the more you chew on it," he said. "And then you get to the fat and that floods into your mouth. I just love it." Carrie Jorgenson and her husband, Mike, were downing the bacon bloody Mary beer concoctions, while channeling celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

3D Systems down on weak outlook, CVS quits cigarettes

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — 3-D printer stocks sank on Wednesday after 3D Systems Corp. cut its 2014 earnings target, while shares of CVS Caremark Corp. were pressured on news that the drugstore chain no longer will sell tobacco products.

3D Systems (DDD)  shares dropped 15%. The company said it now expects full-year adjusted profit in a range of 83 cents a share to 87 cents a share, below its previous guidance of 93 cents a share to $1.03 a share. 3D Systems blamed the lower forecast on a sharp increase in research and development expenditure for new products and an increase in marketing expenses.

Shares of other 3-D printer companies tumbled as well, with ExOne Co. (XONE)  sliding 9% and Stratasys Ltd. (SSYS)  slumping 5.9%.

CVS Caremark Corp. (CVS)  shares fell 0.9%. CVS said it would stop selling cigarettes and tobacco products in stores by Oct. 1. The change is estimated to cost the company $2 billion in annual revenues or 17 cents a share, but CVS said it won't affect its 2014 per-share earnings guidance.

Gainers Click to Play Digits: Talk like a human, Google says

0Google Search wants you to talk like a normal human, Baidu debuts a heatmap of the world's biggest migration, Jump offers extra juice for your phone and SocialRadar's app tells you where your friend slept last night.

Nordstrom Inc. (JWN)  shares rose 3.2%. The retailer on Wednesday announced plans to close underperforming stores in Portland, Ore. and Vancouver, Wash. The closures will affect about 280 employees.

Paccar Inc. (PCAR)  climbed 2.9%. The heavy-duty truck maker, which owns the Peterbilt and Kenworth brands, said last week its fourth-quarter earnings rose to 94 cents a share from 72 cents a share.

Genworth Financial Inc. (GNW)  shares added 2.9%. The insurer on Tuesday reported fourth-quarter operating income of 38 cents a share, above analysts's estimate of 30 cents a share.

Decliners Getty Images CVS will stop selling tobacco products in stores by Oct. 1.

Shares of C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. (CHRW)  skidded 7.9%. The transportation and logistics company posted a 64% drop in fourth-quarter profit on Tuesday, missing expectations.

Cerner Corp. (CERN)  shares dropped 4.8% after the hospital information-technology company reported a sharp drop in fourth-quarter earnings and issued a weak outlook.

Estee Lauder Cos. (EL)  declined 5.4%. The beauty products company on Wednesday reported fiscal second-quarter earnings of $1.09 a share, down from $1.13 a share a year ago.

Two biotech debutantes Genocea Biosciences Inc. (GNCA)  and UniQure NV (QURE)  had a rough first day on the market with both stocks down more than 5%.

A Shock for China Investors?

The recent news that investors in a Chinese investment trust may now get their principal back is encouraging, but MoneyShow's Jim Jubak still has several questions.

China didn't solve its big financial problem, but it took a step toward reducing some of the big worry. On January 28, one of China's biggest banks, in fact, China's biggest lender, the Industrial Commercial Bank, said, "Hey, you know that product out there, this investment trust that we were telling you we weren't really connected with, we were selling it, but we weren't running it,—and, you know how they're going to not be able to pay back principal when it came due on January 31—well, we've lined up some buyers, so we're going to create rights that will enable you to get your principal back."

Don't know who the buyers are, in fact, not going to tell you; but don't worry about it. It's all going to be fixed. It's one of those typical, let's sweep it under the rug, fix it somehow solutions. But it's an important one, because, basically, you've got two things happening. One, is that the bank, which is claiming that it doesn't have any connection to investment trusts—which represent about $2 trillion to $3 trillion in the Chinese financial system—have been a hugely popular thing, growing at about 60% over the last three or four years.

Banks are going to be able to say, "Well, we still don't have any connection with that since we're not putting up our money. It's these buyers over here." The buyers are probably the bank, and another bank, and the central government, and whoever else they could line up to do this. The bank will be able to remain steadfast in its saying that, "Hey, these are not our loans. They're off our balance sheet."

Second, is that you'll have the markets going, "Well, you know these things that we thought were guaranteed, well, they really are guaranteed. We know that they're not supposed to be safe, but, hey, they are safe, so we'll continue to buy them." Maybe not at the same rate, but you're talking about an implicit guarantee that now looks like it really is exactly what people were thinking it was, a guarantee that you're not going to lose principal.

The people that invested in this trust, which then turned around and took their money and invested in bonds issued by what is now a defunct Shanxi coal company—which is why there is no principal to pay back on the 31st, they're getting about 10% on their money, in theory. It turns out, they're going to collect most of that interest but, at least, they'll get their money back. This is important because the real, sort of, fallout from this was that in the last week, or two, you've seen a huge increase in credit default swaps. These are a derivative used to protect against default. We had about a 15% increase in the cost of this kind of insurance over the last week. That's a huge move in such a short period of time. Once that starts to happen, what you then get is the sense that, well, money is getting more expensive; and more importantly, some borrowers, some companies that need money, some local governments that need money, won't be able to borrow at all.

The fear, of course, is you get that kind of cascade. One of the entities that's really on the hook are local governments which, again, are not allowed to issue debt themselves, but can set up companies that issue debt, and they're sort of affiliated with them.

The wink, wink, wink, is that, hey, they're backed by the local government. There is roughly, oh, it's up to about—it was ten trillion Yuan at the end of 2012—and it's now up to about $17 trillion to $18 trillion Yuan, so you can see big growth rate in loans put out by these government-affiliated (wink, wink) entities. If those start to go bad, if corporate loans start to go bad, you are looking at a big financial crisis. This has been averted. It's not clear how much the markets are going to care because the problem itself hasn't gone away. You can do this once, twice, three times, but there is a lot of debt out there that comes due this year, that, really, there is no way to cover.

The question is, is the government going to pay for all this? Is everybody's principal going to be made good, or is this a one-off, because it really is just an important bank. That's what really no one knows, and that's why, while credit default swaps went back down a little bit in price, they didn't fall back to where they were, and interest rates didn't fall all that much. We still have a crisis in China, but we averted the very near-term catastrophe that was going to happen on the 31st if this trust didn't manage to pay back its principal.

This is Jim Jubak for video network.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015

While overseas demand has increased, the chip industry has yet to fully regain the ground U.S. markets lost during the recent recession. Many of the nation�� chip producers rely on businesses to drive sales, and as technology companies come out of survival mode prospects for producers have improved considerably.�Below, we outline two semiconductor ETFs that have been battling for investor attention during the last few trying years: PHLX SOX Semiconductor Sector Index Fund and Market Vectors Semiconductor ETF .

Meet the CompetitorsHolding between $220.3 million and $240.6 million in total assets under management each, these funds are often in competition for the largest spot in the semiconductor ETF market.�SOXX seeks to replicate an index comprised of about 30 different semiconductor manufacturers and the fund consists of some well-known names, such as Intel and Texas Instruments, as well as some smaller companies that probably aren�� on the radar screens of most investors; small and mid cap stocks make up about half the portfolio. SMH also has some large names in its�top 10 holdings, and invests in 18 larger market cap semiconductor firms. Originally held by Merrill Lynch, this HOLDERS fund is now managed by Van Eck, and it took a serious expense cut to stay in competition with SOXX�

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: IEC Electronics Corp (IEC)

IEC Electronics Corp. (IEC) is a provider of electronic contract manufacturing services (EMS) to advanced technology companies. The Company specializes in the custom manufacture of circuit cards and system-level assemblies; an array of cable and wire harness assemblies, and precision sheet metal components. The Company utilizes automated circuit card assembly equipment together with a manufacturing stress testing methods. On December 17, 2010, IEC acquired Southern California Braiding, Inc. Its wholly owned subsidiaries include IEC Electronics Wire and Cable, Inc. (Wire and Cable), IEC Electronics Corp.-Albuquerque (Albuquerque) and Southern California Braiding, Inc. (SCB).

The Company manufactures a range of assemblies that are incorporated into many different products, such as military and defense systems, transportation products, wireless communication systems, and medical systems and instruments. The Company supports multiple divisions and product lines for many of its customers and frequently manufactures successive generations of products.

The Company competes with Flextronics International LTD., Benchmark Electronics, Inc. and Plexus Corp.

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: Sunedison Inc (SUNE)

SunEdison Inc, formerly MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc., incorporated on October 1, 1984, is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of silicon wafers. The Company is a developer and seller of photovoltaic energy solutions. Through Solar Materials and Solar Energy (SunEdison), it is a developer of solar energy projects. The Company operates in two segments: semiconductor materials and solar energy. The Company�� Solar Energy segment includes the operations of its old Solar Materials segment, as well as its SunEdison business. In the Semiconductor Materials, the Company offers wafers with a variety of features. The Company�� wafers vary in size, surface features, composition, purity levels, crystal properties and electrical properties.

Semiconductor Materials

The Company�� monocrystalline wafers for use in semiconductor applications range in size from 100 millimeter to 300 millimeter and are round in shape for semiconductor customers because of the nature of their processing equipment. Its wafers are used as the starting material for the manufacture of various types of semiconductor devices, including microprocessor, memory, logic and power devices. In turn, these semiconductor devices are used in computers, cellular phones and other mobile electronic devices, automobiles and other consumer and industrial products. Its monocrystalline wafers for semiconductor applications include four general categories of wafers: prime, epitaxial, test/monitor and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers.

The Company�� prime wafer is a polished, pure wafer with an ultraflat and ultraclean surface. The Company�� epitaxial (epi), wafers consist of a thin silicon layer grown on the polished surface of the wafer. Typically, the epitaxial layer has different electrical properties from the underlying wafer. This provides customers with isolation between circuit elements than a polished wafer. Its AEGIS product is designed for certain specialized applications requiring high resis! tivity epitaxial wafers and its MDZ product feature. The AEGIS wafer includes a thin epitaxial layer grown on a standard starting wafer. The AEGIS wafer�� thin epitaxial layer eliminates harmful defects on the surface of the wafer, thereby allowing device manufacturers to increase yields. The Company supplies test/monitor wafers to its customers for use in testing semiconductor fabrication lines and processes. An SOI wafer is a different starting material for the chip making process.

Solar Energy

The Company�� Solar Energy segment provides solar energy services that integrate the design, installation, financing, monitoring, operations and maintenance portions of the downstream solar market to provide a solar energy service to its customers. As of December 31, 2012, SunEdison interconnected over 675 solar power systems representing 989 megawatt of solar energy generating capacity. As of December 31, 2012, SunEdison had 73 megawatt of projects under construction and 2.6 gigawatts in pipeline. In support of its downstream solar business, its Solar Energy segment manufactures polysilicon, silicon wafers and solar modules. Additionally, its Solar Energy segment will sell solar modules to third parties in the event the opportunity aligns with itsinternal needs. It provides its downstream customers with a way to purchase renewable energy by delivering solar power under long-term power purchase arrangements with customers or feed-in tariff arrangements with government entities and utilities. Its SunEdison business is dependent upon government subsidies, including United States federal incentive tax credits, state-sponsored energy credits and foreign feed-in tariffs. The Company�� solar wafers are used as the starting material for crystalline solar cells.

The Company competes with Shin-Etsu Handotai, SUMCO, Siltronic and LG Siltron, SunPower Corporation, First Solar, Inc., Enerparc, Sharp Corporation (Recurrent Energy), Phoenix Solar, BELECTRIC, JUWI Solar Gmbh, and S! olar City! .

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Ben Levisohn]

    Not investors in Restoration Hardware (RH). Its shares have dropped 2% in after-hours trading after it reported a profit of 49 cents a share, above forecasts for 43 cents, but offered mixed guidance. Oxford Industries (OXM) is off 7.3% at $60 after it announced a profit of $1.01, ahead of 98 cents consensus forecasts, but lowered its 2013 guidance. Shares of SunEdison (SUNE) have dropped 5.4% to $7.90 after it announced a secondary offering.

Best China Companies For 2014: Sunedison Inc (SUNE.N)

SunEdison Inc, formerly MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc., incorporated on October 1, 1984, is engaged in the development, manufacture and sale of silicon wafers. The Company is a developer and seller of photovoltaic energy solutions. Through Solar Materials and Solar Energy (SunEdison), it is a developer of solar energy projects. The Company operates in two segments: semiconductor materials and solar energy. The Company�� Solar Energy segment includes the operations of its old Solar Materials segment, as well as its SunEdison business. In the Semiconductor Materials, the Company offers wafers with a variety of features. The Company�� wafers vary in size, surface features, composition, purity levels, crystal properties and electrical properties.

Semiconductor Materials

The Company�� monocrystalline wafers for use in semiconductor applications range in size from 100 millimeter to 300 millimeter and are round in shape for semiconductor cust omers because of the nature of their processing equipment. Its wafers are used as the starting material for the manufacture of various types of semiconductor devices, including microprocessor, memory, logic and power devices. In turn, these semiconductor devices are used in computers, cellular phones and other mobile electronic devices, automobiles and other consumer and industrial products. Its monocrystalline wafers for semiconductor applications include four general categories of wafers: prime, epitaxial, test/monitor and silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers.

The Company�� prime wafer is a polished, pure wafer with an ultraflat and ultraclean surface. The Company�� epitaxial (epi), wafers consist of a thin silicon layer grown on the polished surface of the wafer. Typically, the epitaxial layer has different electrical properties from the underlying wafer. This provides customers with isolation between circuit elements than a polished wafer. Its AEGIS product is des igned for certain specialized applications requiring high ! re! sistivity epitaxial wafers and its MDZ product feature. The AEGIS wafer includes a thin epitaxial layer grown on a standard starting wafer. The AEGIS wafer�� thin epitaxial layer eliminates harmful defects on the surface of the wafer, thereby allowing device manufacturers to increase yields. The Company supplies test/monitor wafers to its customers for use in testing semiconductor fabrication lines and processes. An SOI wafer is a different starting material for the chip making process.

Solar Energy

The Company�� Solar Energy segment provides solar energy services that integrate the design, installation, financing, monitoring, operations and maintenance portions of the downstream solar market to provide a solar energy service to its customers. As of December 31, 2012, SunEdison interconnected over 675 solar power systems representing 989 megawatt of solar energy generating capacity. As of December 31, 2012, SunEdison had 73 megawatt of projects under construction and 2.6 gigawatts in pipeline. In support of its downstream solar business, its Solar Energy segment manufactures polysilicon, silicon wafers and solar modules. Additionally, its Solar Energy segment will sell solar modules to third parties in the event the opportunity aligns with itsinternal needs. It provides its downstream customers with a way to purchase renewable energy by delivering solar power under long-term power purchase arrangements with customers or feed-in tariff arrangements with government entities and utilities. Its SunEdison business is dependent upon government subsidies, including United States federal incentive tax credits, state-sponsored energy credits and foreign feed-in tariffs. The Company�� solar wafers are used as the starting material for crystalline solar cells.

The Company competes with Shin-Etsu Handotai, SUMCO, Siltronic and LG Siltron, SunPower Corporation, First Solar, Inc., Enerparc, Sharp Corporation (Recu rrent Energy), Phoenix Solar, BELECTRIC, JUWI Solar Gmb! h, an! d ! Solar C! ity.

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: On Track Innovations Ltd (OTIV)

On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTI) designs, develops and markets solutions based on its secure contactless microprocessor-based smart card technology to address the needs of a range of markets. The Company�� products combine the benefits of both microprocessors and contactless cards. In addition to contactless microprocessor-based smart cards, it also sells products that are based on other card technologies. The Company has focused on the development of its technologies and its products based on its technological platform that consists of smart cards, smart card readers, software tools and secure communication technology. As of December 31, 2012, it offers three lines of solutions, each of which constitutes a complete system, as well as components (such as smart cards and readers) that we sell to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), for incorporation into their own products. OTI�� three vertical markets include Payment Solutions, Petroleum Systems and SmartID Solutions. Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Markman Advisors]

    Public companies leveraging their patent portfolios, (aka "patent plays"), are getting the market's attention. Companies such as Vringo (VRNG), ParkerVision (PRKR), MGT Capital (MGT), Worlds Inc. (WDDD.OB) and others have presented trading opportunities due to their volatility while retaining the chance for a big payoff to those investors who stay the course. Yet there exist viable patent plays that are still undiscovered. Some of these so called "plays," which are not getting enough attention, are actually real companies making and selling real products or services in contrast to pure patent monetization companies. Some known examples are Single Touch Interactive (SITO.OB) and Blue Calypso (BCYP.OB). This article is focused on another one of these patent plays, On Track Innovations Ltd. (OTIV).

  • [By Roberto Pedone]



    One under-$10 technology player that's starting to trend within range of triggering a major breakout trade is On Track Innovations (OTIV), which designs, develops and markets contactless microprocessor-based smart card solutions to customers in Africa, Europe, the Far East, the Americas and Israel. This stock has been red hot over the last three months, with shares up a whopping 134%.

    If you take a look at the chart for On Track Innovations, you'll notice that this stock has been trending sideways and consolidating over the last month and change, with shares moving between $2.70 on the downside and $3.74 on the upside. Shares of OTIV have now started to spike higher off some near-term support at $3 a share and it's quickly moving within range of triggering a major breakout trade above the upper-end of its recent sideways trading chart pattern.

    Traders should now look for long-biased trades in OTIV if it manages to break out above its 52-week high at $3.74 a share with high volume. Look for a sustained move or close above that level with volume that hits near or above its three-month average volume of 626,538 shares. If that breakout triggers soon, then OTIV will set up to enter new 52-week-high territory, which is bullish technical price action. Some possible upside targets off that breakout are $4.50 to $5.50 a share.

    Traders can look to buy OTIV off weakness to anticipate that breakout and simply use a stop that sits just below some key near-term support levels at $3.20 or at $3 a share. One can also buy OTIV off strength once it starts to clear its 52-week high at $3.74 a share with volume and then simply use a stop that sits a comfortable percentage from your entry point.

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: ARM Holdings PLC (ARMH.O)

ARM Holdings plc (ARM), incorporated on October 16, 1990, designs microprocessors, physical intellectual property (IP) and related technology and software, and sells development tools. As of December 31, 2012, the Company operated in three business segments: the Processor Division (PD), the Physical IP Division (PIPD) and the System Design Division (SDD). ARM licenses and sells its technology and products to international electronics companies, which in turn manufacture, markets and sells microprocessors, application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) and application-specific standard processors (ASSPs) based on ARM�� technology to systems companies for incorporation into a range of end products. It also licenses and sells development tools directly to systems companies and provides support services to its licensees, systems companies and other systems designers.

ARM processor architecture and physical IP is used in embedded microprocessor applications , including cellular phones, digital televisions, mobile computers and personal computer peripherals, smart cards and microcontrollers. ARM�� principal geographic markets are Europe, the United States and Asia Pacific. ARM�� product offering includes microprocessor Cores: RISC microprocessor cores, including specific functions, such as video and graphics IP and on-chip fabric IP; embedded software; physical IP; development tools, and support and maintenance services.

Processor Division

The PD encompasses those resources that are centered on microprocessor cores, including specific functions, such as graphics IP, fabric IP, embedded software IP and configurable digital signal processing (DSP) IP. Service revenues consist of design consulting services and revenues from support, maintenance and training.

Physical IP Division

The PIPD is focused on building blocks for translation of a circuit design into actual silicon. Du ring the year ended December 31, 2012, the Company�� tot! al! average PIPD headcount was 557. ARM is a provider of physical IP components for the design and manufacture of integrated circuits, including systems-on-chip (SoCs). ARM Artisan physical IP products include embedded memory, standard cell and input/output components. Artisan physical IP also includes a limited portfolio of analog and mixed-signal products. ARM�� physical IP components are developed for a range of process geometries ranging from 20 nanometer - 250 nanometer. ARM licenses its products to customers for the design and manufacture of integrated circuits used in complex, high-volume applications, such as portable computing devices, communication systems, cellular phones, microcontrollers, consumer multimedia products, automotive electronics, personal computers and workstations and many others.

ARM�� embedded memory components include random access memories, read only memories and register files. These memories are provided in the form of a configur able memory compiler, which allows the customer to generate the appropriate configuration for the given application. ARM�� memory components include many configurable features, such as power-down modes, low-voltage data retention and fully static operation, as well as different transistor options to trade off performance and power. In addition, ARM�� memory components include built-in test interfaces that support the industry test methodologies and tools. ARM memory components also offer redundant storage elements.

ARM�� memory components are designed to enable the chip designer maximum flexibility to achieve the optimum power, performance, and density trade-off. ARM offers standard cell components that are optimized for high performance, high density or ultra high density. ARM logic products deliver optimal performance, power and area when building ARM Processors, Graphics, Video and Fabric IP along with general SoC subsystem implementation. ARM delivers physical interface for a range of DDR SDRAM (double-data! rat! e s! ynchro! nous dynamic random-access memory) applications ranging from mission critical applications to low-power memory sub-systems. Silicon on Insulator (SOI) products is an alternative methodology to traditional semiconductor fabrication techniques.

System Design Division

The SDD is focused on the tools and models used to create and debug software and system-on-chip (SoC) designs. ARM�� software development tools help a software design engineer deliver products right the first time. Engineers use these tools in the design and deployment of code, from applications running on open operating systems right through to low-level firmware. The ARM Development Studio is a hardware components that allow the software designer to connect to a real target system and control the system for the purposes of finding errors in the software. The ARM DSTREAM unit allows the software developer to control the software running on the prototype product and examine the internal state of the prototype product. ARM Development Boards are ideal systems for prototyping ARM-based products. The ARM Microcontroller Development Kit supports ARM-based microcontrollers and 8051-based microcontrollers from companies, such as Analog Devices, Atmel, Freescale, Fujitsu, NXP, Samsung, Sharp, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments and Toshiba. The ARM Microcontroller Development Kit is used by developers who are building products and writing software using standard off-the-shelf microcontrollers.

The ARM Microprocessor Families

ARM architecture processors offers a range of performance options in the ARM7 family, ARM9 family, ARM11 family, ARM Cortex family and ARM SecurCore family. The ARM architecture gives systems designers a choice of processor cores at different performance/price points. The ARM7 offers 32-bit architecture capable of operating from 8/16-bit memory on an 8/16-bit bus through the implementation of the Thumb instruction set. The ARM9 family consists of a range of micropro! cessors !! in the 15! 0-250MHz range. Each processor has been designed for a specific application or function, such as an application processor for a feature phone or running a wireless fidelity (WiFi) protocol stack. The ARM9 family consists of a range of microprocessors in the 150-250 megahertz range. The ARM11 family consists of a range of microprocessors in the 300-600 megahertz range. ARM Cortex family is ARM�� family of processor cores based on version 7 of the ARM Architecture. The family is split into three series: A Series, A Series and M Series.

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: China Electronics Corporation Holdings Co Ltd (0085.HK)

China Electronics Corporation Holdings Company Limited is an investment holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in design, research and development and sale of integrated circuits. The Company�� integrated circuits design business consists of the design of integrated circuits chips and the development of application system. Its products are used in smart cards, such as identity cards, social security cards, telecommunications cards and electric cards. Its products are also applied in wireless local area networks (WLAN). During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Company obtained 17 new patents, and registered another 16 computer software copyrights and 11 integrated circuits layout designs. Its subsidiaries include CEC Integrated Circuit (Beijing) Co., Ltd, CEC Huada Electronic Design Co., Ltd and others.

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: Labat Africa Ltd (LABJ.J)

Labat Africa Ltd. is a South Africa-based company engaged in the provision and delivery of management, business and retail services to commerce, industry, national and local government, the international market and all other organizations and individuals having a need for such services. Its subsidiaries included South African Micro-Electronics Systems (Pty) Ltd., Integrated Circuit Design Center (Pty) Ltd. and SAMES Properties (Pty) Ltd.

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: Xilinx Inc (XLNX)

Xilinx, Inc. (Xilinx), incorporated on February 5, 1984, designs, develops and markets programmable platforms. These programmable platforms have a number of components, including integrated circuits (ICs) in the form of programmable logic devices (PLDs), including Extensible Processing Platforms (EPPs); software design tools to program the PLDs; targeted reference designs; printed circuit boards, and intellectual property (IP), which consists of Xilinx and various third-party verification and IP cores. In addition to its programmable platforms, Xilinx provides design services, customer training, field engineering and technical support. The Company�� PLDs include field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs) that its customers program to perform logic functions, and EPPs. Xilinx�� products are offered to electronic equipment manufacturers in end markets, such as wired and wireless communications, industrial, scientific and medical, aerospace and defense, audio, video and broadcast, consumer, automotive and data processing. The Company sells its products globally through independent domestic and foreign distributors and through direct sales to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) by a network of independent sales representative firms and by a direct sales management organization. In January 2011, the Company acquired AutoESL Design Technologies, Inc. In August 2012, the Company acquired embedded Linux solutions provider PetaLogix.

Product Families

The 7 series devices that comprise the Company�� 28-nanometer (nm) product families are fabricated on a high-K metal gate 28-nm process technology. These devices are based on an architecture, which enables design and IP portability and re-use across all families, as well as provides designers the ability to achieve the appropriate combination of I/O support, performance, feature quantities, packaging and power consumption to address a range of applications. The 7 series devices consist of! three families: Virtex-7 FPGA, Kintex-7 FPGAs and Artix-7 FPGAs. The Zynq-7000 family is the family of Xilinx EPPs. The Virtex-6 FPGA family consists of 13 devices and is the sixth generation in the Virtex series of FPGAs.

Virtex-6 FPGAs are fabricated on a high-performance, 40-nm process technology. There are three Virtex-6 families: Virtex-6 LXT FPGAs, Virtex-6 SXT FPGAs and Virtex-6 HXT FPGAs. The Spartan-6 family is the PLD industry�� 45-nm high-volume FPGA family, consisting of 11 devices in two product families: Spartan-6 LX FPGAs and Spartan-6 LXT FPGAs. The Virtex-5 FPGA family consists of 26 devices in five product families: Virtex-5 LX FPGAs for logic-intensive designs, Virtex-5 LXT FPGAs for high-performance logic with serial connectivity, Virtex-5 SXT FPGAs for high-performance DSP with serial connectivity, Virtex-5 FXT FPGAs for embedded processing with serial connectivity and Virtex-5 TXT FPGAs for high-bandwidth serial connectivity. Prior generation Virtex families include Virtex-4, Virtex-II Pro, Virtex-II, Virtex-E and the original Virtex family. Spartan family FPGAs include 90-nm Spartan-3 FPGAs, the Spartan-3E family and the Spartan-3A family. Prior generation Spartan families include Spartan-IIE, Spartan-II, Spartan XL and the original Spartan family.

Design Platforms and Services

The Company offers three types of programmable platforms. The Base Platform is the delivery vehicle for all of its new silicon offerings used to develop and run customer-specific software applications and hardware designs. The Base Platform consists of FPGA silicon; Integrated Software Environment (ISE) Design Suite design environment; integration support of optional third-party synthesis, simulation, and signal integrity tools; reference designs; development boards and IP. The Domain-Specific Platform targets one of the three primary Xilinx FPGA user profiles: the embedded processing developer; the DSP developer; or the logic/connectivity developer. The Market-S! pecific P! latform enables software or hardware developers to build and run their specific application or solution. Built for specific markets, such as automotive, consumer, aerospace and defense, communications, audio, video and broadcast, industrial, or scientific and medical, the Market-Specific Platform integrates both the Base and Domain-Specific Platforms.

During April 2012, Xilinx introduced the Vivado Design Suite. Vivado supports Xilinx 7 series FPGAs and Zynq EPPs. Xilinx and various third parties offer hundreds of no charge and fee-bearing IP core licenses covering Ethernet, memory controllers Interlaken and PCIe interface, as well as domain-specific IP in the areas of embedded, DSP and connectivity, and market-specific IP cores. The Company also offers development kits, including hardware, design tools, IP and reference designs. Xilinx offers a range of configuration products, including one-time programmable and in-system programmable storage devices to configure Xilinx FPGAs. These programmable read-only memory (PROM) products support all of the Company�� FPGA devices. Xilinx and certain third parties have developed and offer a ecosystem of IP, boards, tools, services and support through the Xilinx alliance program. Xilinx also works with these third parties to promote its programmable platforms through third-party tools, IP, software, boards and design services. Xilinx engineering services provide customers with engineering, ranging from hands-on training to full design creation and implementation.

The Company competes with Altera Corporation, Lattice Semiconductor Corporation and Microsemi Corporation.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Jon C. Ogg]

    Xilinx Inc. (NASDAQ: XLNX) was raised to Outperform from Sector Perform with a $55 price target (versus $a 46.54 close) at Pacific Crest.

    Last week we featureed�top stocks to buy trading under $10 as a Wall Street analyst montage. We now have more of those under $10 stock picks.

Top 5 Semiconductor Stocks To Invest In 2015: NVIDIA Corporation(NVDA)

NVIDIA Corporation provides visual computing, high performance computing, and mobile computing solutions that generate interactive graphics on various devices ranging from tablets and smart phones to notebooks and workstations. It operates in three segments: Graphic Processing Unit (GPU), Professional Solutions Business (PSB), and Consumer Products Business (CPB). The GPU segment offers GeForce discrete and chipset products, which support desktop and notebook personal computers plus memory products. The PSB segment provides its Quadro professional workstation products and other professional graphics products, including its NVIDIA Tesla high-performance computing products used in the manufacturing, entertainment, medical, science, and aerospace industries. The CPB segment offers Tegra mobile products, which support tablets, smartphones, personal media players, Internet television, automotive navigation, and other similar devices. This segment also licenses video game consol es and other digital consumer electronics devices. The company sells its products to original equipment manufacturers, original design manufacturers, add-in-card manufacturers, consumer electronics companies, and system builders worldwide that utilize its processors as a core component of their entertainment, business, and professional solutions. NVIDIA Corporation was founded in 1993 and is headquartered in Santa Clara, California.

Advisors' Opinion:
  • [By Evan Niu, CFA]

    At NVIDIA's (NASDAQ: NVDA  ) investor day yesterday, CEO Jen-Hsun Huang made a bittersweet confession. He predicted that the company's important Tegra mobile processor business wouldn't put up any growth this year. The company was faced with a tough choice, since it knew it needed a processor with integrated LTE to properly compete with Qualcomm (NASDAQ: QCOM  ) �in smartphones.